


Complete test, analysis of projects, including in the field of plastics the mechanical properties, thermal properties,Fire-retardant properties, electrical properties, rheological properties, material analysis, aging and harmful substances check Logging, and many other advanced measurement and analysis instruments, guarantees the product quality system's normal Operation.


◆AAS原子 吸收光譜儀
















◆FT-IR Infrared spectrometer

◆AAS Atomic absorption spectrometer

◆ATLAS Xenon lamp aging tester and Xenon color light fastness tester

◆KSON Constant high/low temperature and humidity test chamber

◆EDX Fluorescence spectrometer

◆Computer controlled thermal deformation vicat softening point tester

◆Microcomputer electronic universal testing machine

◆Oxygen index tester

◆UL94 horizontal and vertical combustion testing machine

◆Glossiness tester

◆UV spectrophotometer

◆Tracking tester

◆Glow wire anti-flaming test

◆Rockwell hardness tester

◆Melt flow rate measurer

◆Electronic display impact tester

◆Moisture meter




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